Words You May Use While Talking About Cannabinoids...
Cannabinoid - a sticky gooey, resinous substance (produced by all mammals and specific plants) that plays an essential role in protecting the life of the plant as well as the mammal! Cannabinoids are required for life and we would not exist without them. We can also use plant cannabinoids to help accelerate our body's own ability to repair and heal itself.
Cannabis hemp - Lipid signaling Lipid signaling, broadly defined, refers to any biological signaling event involving a lipid messenger that binds a protein target, such as a receptor, kinase or phosphatase, which in turn mediate the effects of these lipids on specific cellular responses. - Wikipedia. Amino Acids thes Fatty Acids thes Endocannabinoids thes Phytocannabinoids thes THC - Tetrahydocannabinol thes |