EndoCannabinoids: Your Body's Internal Nurses
Help Your Body Mend Itself.
Not only can we obtain cannabinoids from plant sources, our bodies actually produce these things on the inside.
Your body knows what to do to protect you from toxins, pollutants, bacteria, viruses and irregular cells. However, as we age, our bodies require more assistance to continue running well. So if your health is out of order, and you are dealing with Breast Cancer, Tumors, a Cardiovascular condition or excessive pain in your body then you have to know that your body requires assistance. Here is just a small list of conditions that have been positively effected by the use of terpenoids, which you will find evidence for in our Videos section, as well as our Blog section. If you have done any research on your own you will see that studies are constantly being shared. You will find results from many different clinical studies demonstrating the benefit from the use of phenolic cannabinoids in conditions such as: |
The discovery and further research of the endocannabinoid system has lead to great results. The human body needs cannabinoids to function properly and efficiently. Today we perceive the endocannabinoid system (ECS) as a rather complex one that plays a distinct role in the control or modulation of our nervous system, brain function, and the protective quality due to toxins and stressors. [I] Below is a short video exploring the endocannabinoids system, found in both humans and animals. Enjoy! And we'd LOVE to hear your thoughts in the CannabinoidINFO FORUM! |
EndoCannabinoids and the Endogenous Cannabinoid System
Cannabinoids turn on the bodies Protective Mode, just as
the hunger feeling is controlled by your bodies own EndoCannabinoid System. |
Cannabinoids turn on the expression of particular genes (at the same time they can prevent the expression of other Genes), including genes related to longevity!
Cannabinoids promote your health by affecting nerve cells and balancing your immune system [I]...